Want to know Effective Judo Sacrifice Techniques?

VIDEO: Demonstration of Judo sacrificing techniques.
The Kodokan Judo syllabus has a number of techniques which are actually referred to as Sutemi Waza (sacrifice techniques). They nearly always depend on the thrower falling backwards, sidewards or frontwards towards the floor in the hope of taking the opponent with them. Obviously if the person being thrown counters this or sees the techniques coming, the person performing them could fall to the floor alone, and find him/herself in an awkward position where he/she can be dominated. BJJ practitioners use a strategy when standing, to take the fight to the floor by jumping into there opponents chest, hoping to land in the guard position which they could then pull there opponent down using there body weight. Also a technique that has been used by most grapplers is the flying armbar. Rarely does it work, but is spectacular to see if carried out successfully.
With effective martial arts video training, the student will learn about the 2 groups of throws which are: the standing techniques – further divided into hand, hip, foot and leg techniques; and the sacrifice techniques – divided into those in which the thrower falls directly backwards, and those in which he falls onto his side. The ground fighting techniques are divided into joint locks or attacks against the joints, chokeholds or strangleholds and the holding or pinning techniques. For safety reasons, techniques such as joint locks, chokeholds and sacrifice are subject to age and rank restrictions and must not be performed by persons outside the particular age group or rank that has been set out.
Some throws are manifestly more difficult to counter than others, at least by using counter-throws. In some cases, such as drop seoi-nage or tomoe-nage, ne-waza is the best option. Judo, though, is a dynamic environment and evolves at a very rapid rate. At international level, where video is widely used to study rivals’ techniques, competitors and their coaches are constantly trying to develop specific answers to specific problems. Awareness is the key to effective counters, the trick is to feel what the opponent intends to do before he does it and have a trained response ready.
However good you may become at countering an opponent it is important not to become a lurker, the type of judo player who makes no positive moves and just awaits his opponent’s attacks. The best players frequently convert techniques which originally developed as counter-attacks into direct attacks in their own right. Uranage, sukui-nage (or te-guruma as it is sometime called) and tani-otoshi are all classic examples of adaptation. Players develop a technique as a counter, their opponents become aware of the danger and stop using throws which expose them to the counter, so it is then up to the counter thrower to create an opportunity to apply the skill and the best route left open is often to go for a direct attack.
Now is the time to get your “ducks in a row” and decide that you want to be a better judo player. And I’m going to tell you exactly how to do it. Are you ready? Great!!!
1. Get A Throw Mat!
If you do not have a throw mat for your club – GET ONE!! If you don’t have one then round up a couple of your buddies and put your money together and get one. I bought my fi rst Th row Mat when I was practicing in Massachusetts back in 1998. I was practicing at a small club on the “off nights” when I wasn’t practicing with Jimmy Pedro. And I knew I had to practice throwing. So I called this company called Tiffin Mats and ordered the mat. As a matter of fact you can call them at this number 1-800-843-3467 or you can go to there website and get a throw mat. Just so that you know. Th e mat that I bought is still in Foxboro, Massachusetts getting used to this day.
I know you are asking why you need this mat. Well the answer is in number 2.
2. Get the reps in!
THROW, THROW, THROW!!! You can definitely improve your throwing abilities by doing more throwing. Now, I DO NOT LIKE being thrown on the ground and I’m sure you don’t either and the chief reason is because it FREAKIN’ HURTS! Th at is one of the major reasons why you can count on one hand the times that I’ve been thrown for ippon. I just refuse to fall! And if you practice Brazilian Jujitsu, then you know how difficult it is for you to get someone in your school or class to take some falls for you while you practice throwing. FUH-GET-ABOUTIT!!
It ain’t gonna happen. But, and this is a big but, if you have a nice soft mat for them to fall on – they will be more willing to take falls for you and you will be more willing to take falls for them. And you will watch and see EVERYONE’S throws improve. And the better everyone gets, the better you are going to get.
3. Make your practices measurable and accountable.
After getting the mat and deciding to throw, make sure you decide and plan how many throws you are going to do per night after practice. Notice that I said, AFTER practice. Th at means that this is some extra work that you have to do so that you can get the edge.
4. Ask Permission
PLEASE RUN IT BY YOUR INSTRUCTOR FIRST! Please respect your instructor, your dojo and the place where you practice by asking if you and your “buddies” could get together and purchase a gift for the club. If you practice Brazilian Jujitsu, ask your instructor if they wouldn’t mind incorporating some throws in practice. AFTER you and your buddies have started doing the throws after practice first.
Judo throws based on sacrifice techniques. The Japanese name for these Judo sacrifice techniques is Sutemi Waza.
For additional Judo throws, you should visit the sections focused on Hip Techniques, Hand Techniques and Foot Techniques.
Sutemi Waza – Judo Sacrifice Techniques
Daki Wakare – High Separation
Hane Makikomi – Springing Wrap Around
Harai Makikomi – Hip Sweep Wrap Around
Hikikomi Gaeshi – Pull-In Reversal
Osoto Makikomi – Major Outside Wrap Around
Soto Makikomi – Outer Wrap Around
Sumi Gaeshi – Corner Reversal
Tani Otoshi – Valley Drop
Tawara Gaeshi – Rice Bag Reversal Throw
Tomoe Nage – Circle Throw
Uchi Makikomi – Inner Wrap Around
Uchi Mata Makikomi – Inner Thigh Wrap Around
Uki Waza – Floating Drop
Ura Nage – Rear Throw
Yoko Gake – Side Hook
Yoko Guruma – Side Wheel
Yoko Otoshi – Side Drop
Yoko Wakare – Side Separation
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