Get the facts about the Japanese short blade sword

VIDEO: Check out the next page for an amazing wakizashi training vid
Today the buyers may not actually believe that their soul is in the sword but they do understand that these swords were very important to their owners and the samurai. Having these swords is a passion for some people too.
While it is good to go to a physical shop and see a sword before buying, this might be impossible if you live in a town or city that does not have a sword shop. Make sure you do your due diligence before buying.
Samurai swords look great; they are well crafted and strongly made. It is very difficult to believe that everybody does not want to buy a samurai sword for their home. These swords, just by their look give a feeling of power and strength to the one who is seeing them.
There are many high quality Japanese swords for sale that are reasonably priced, but in order to keep them in perfect condition it is important to understand the care necessary. The blade should not be stored away for long periods of time in a scabbard and it must be oiled every now and then or it will start to rust.
Katanas vs Wakizashi
The wakizashi is a sword is similar to the katana , but it has several differences .Both of these swords were carried by the ancient Japanese samurai a in the battle field. The wakizashi is generally considered the weaker sword, it is much more smaller than the katana, it is made with lesser caution, though ideally a person’s physical factors ,can affect how strong this sword is, an person who is tall can hold a katana much better than a wakizashi. A guy who is short can hold a wakizashi, better than a katana. The katana has a back edge and has strips in its front, the wakizashi though has pointed front and both of it’s sides are sharp. Much like a dagger. Both of these are carried along side each other, so that they can be used in different situations.