Watch Street Fighter get beat down by Jujitsu Master

IMPORTANT UPDATE: ATTENTION ALL VIEWERS! We are eager to get in contact with the two men involved in this unfortunate incident. Anyone who can provide the direct contact information (phone number and/or email) for either one of these men, or both, will be rewarded with a free Limited Edition Helio Gracie HG100 Gi or any Gracie Gear item from the Gracie Store.
We don’t know anything about the larger man, but we know that the smaller of the two men goes by the alias “DJ Freakie London,” and there are some fake twitter accounts in his name, but we need more reliable contact information.
If you, or anyone you know, has reliable contact information, please send it to [email protected] (Subject: Street Fight) as soon as possible.
We can assure you that our intentions in contacting these men are in their best interest. Time is of the essence, please share this post and let’s make it happen!
Original Description
Viewer Discretion Advised: NOT Suitable for Young Viewers!
In this special edition Gracie Breakdown, Ryron and Rener analyze a street fight that took place at a gas station in Arizona between a New York DJ “Freekie London” and a “Truck Driver.” Although most Gracie Breakdowns analyze the successful jiu-jitsu application of one or both of the fighters, Ryron and Rener take this opportunity to point out the threats, dangers, and excessive damage that occurs when jiu-jitsu is NOT part of the equation. They discuss everything from how to avoid altercations by managing the “combative energy” of an interaction, to the critical differences between Sport and Street behavioral patterns that every jiu-jitsu pracitioner must be aware of. Although it’s hard to watch, this is unquestionably one of the most important Gracie Breakdowns of all time. Please share it with other members of the jiu-jitsu community.
Source: WARNING: Violent Street Fight (Gracie Breakdown) – YouTube