US Green Beret vs. Peruvian Special Forces OFficer In No Holds Barred Fight

Here we have a former US Army Green Beret who went up against an active duty Peruvian Special Forces Officer.
The Green Beret is disciplined in San Soo Kung Fu and Chinese Kickboxing. The Peruvian Special Forces Officer is a Karate practitioner. This is like old school MMA where its no gloves, and no holds barred. Delivering strikes to vulnerable areas are allowed. The US Green Beret in the video describes which vulnerable areas he prefers to attack first, what the viewer does not see in the video, and some history on his fighting disciplines. We also gain insight on how this fight went down and why it only took one finger for him to emerge victorious.
The eyes are my favorite target, for a lot of reasons. What you couldnt see in this video was that we were fighting in a human circle, surrounded by support staff and other peruvian special forces soldiers. I was there alone, with nobody to watch my 6.
The intent on the straight finger to the eye was to freeze his base, and try to get him to pull his head back, which is what usually happens. In this case, he didnt pull his head back because he had already fully committed to his movement.
I felt squishy material on my finger, and realized my finger was buried in his eye socket (where the infratrochlear nerve is) and based on the sound, and his reaction, I thought his eye popped out.
Also, what you couldnt see in the video is that he was on the ground for an hour, unable to get up. They finally decided to take him to a hospital.
I could have inflicted further damage, or even ended his life. But showing restraint and knowing when to stop after he was defeated earned me the respect of their people and soldiers..and got me out of there in one piece.
Which is one of my secondary missions when I travel overseas to fight. Im representing a country, and an art.
I started in San Soo in 1985, then spent time in SoCal during a tour in the Corps. I have trained with what I consider to be some of the great masters. To them I give my thanks. I have also traveled around and worked out with whoever I could.
All body shapes and sizes. From both what is considered old and new school. I spent a tour in the Army (SF) where I was exposed to San Soo spin offs, know it alls, so-called bad asses, master of this, master of that. But I never strayed from 100% KFSS. Basic, straight forward, old school, brutal KFSS.
Its all Ive ever used in combat, street fights, and other encounters such as the one in this video. Its all I need, no matter what.
What thats given me is perspective and experience. In my opinion, ITS what the majority of the San Soo crowd is lacking. That and some balls.
I would prefer to stay out of the San Soo politics, and just keep doing what Im doing.
Most fighters would pull their head back when they see a hand getting close to their face, which would freeze their base momentarily..allowing for entry (getting close enough to strike).
For whatever reason he didnt see it coming and impaled his eye socket on my finger. I would have liked the opportunity to have more of a fight. This is just what happened.
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