Outstanding Judo Throws and Moves!

August 13, 2015 | Judo Weekly
| Rae gained top marks in English, Spanish, mathematics, history and modern studies, strengthening her chances of making a career in law – but she is not planning to quit judo just yet.
“It’s going well at judo and I hope I can still achieve more,” she said. “But I’m still some way off being able to go to an Olympic Games.
“The next Commonwealth Games in 2018 is also out as Australia aren’t doing judo, so if anything I am looking towards the Commonwealth Games in 2022.
“I am not sure, though, whether I will be still doing judo then as there is more money in law.
“I am not sure yet that I want to do law but if I could go to Edinburgh University that would be great as I do a lot of my judo training in the city.”