Learn how to do a Reverse Punch With Sliding Step

VIDEO: Here’s a demonstration of holding back or reserving a punch with the help of a sliding step.
Ever wonder why some fighters are better or more skilled than others ?
What gives them that advantage?
Most likely they know how to move on angles and control the distance between themselves and an opponent, add timing to this mix = good fighting technique !
When you learn how to control all three of these factors against someone else
in a fight, you are basically controlling them.
This how you do it.
Even if you spent the rest of your life studying martial arts, there is no way that you could possibly learn every single martial arts technique. It is an art form that has been around for thousands of years and has branched off into so many sub-categories and subdivisions that no single person can ever be a master of them all. However, there are many living masters of particular martial arts moves. And if you are in the market of learning self defense, then a few simple moves is all you will really need.
In any martial art style that includes mock combat, you can have your partner show an opening in the combat so as to deliberately take advantage by striking or throwing your partner. As your skills improve, that opening will decrease, making it more of a challenge for you to strike. Be wary though some martial artists show an opening on purpose when sparring with you to set up a counterattack. If you take the bait as intended they will often counter your move with a move they intended to do all along. As your skills improve, overtime you will see this ruse for what it is and learn to know if a particular opening is a deliberate trap or not, or a mistake where you can use your advantage.
Many people are choosing to learn hand to hand combat as an effective tool for self defense. This particular fighting strategy is based on several simple moves that can be learned by anyone. This style borrows from many other types of martial arts but it only uses the most severe and punishing moves. With this type of training, someone who weighs only 100 pounds can quickly learn how to take down an attacker with one hand. Since this type of self defense doesn’t rely on past knowledge of this arts, it is a great tool for anyone. The moves are simple, easy to learn and most importantly, extremely effective.
Speed training is essential in your martial arts journey. Plyometric drills such as leapfrog, hopscotch and foot races are great ways to get you into shape to speed up your techniques. I would advise though that you build up some strength before you attempt them as they can be tiring. It is a good idea to strengthen your quads and hamstring muscles to protect your knees. If you have a history of knee trouble or find that these drills are hard on your knees then I would suggest avoiding them.
You must be light on your feet to be a great fighter. My father was a professional boxer back in his day. I heard from every one that knew him, that no one could touch him; nobody could lay a glove on him. They would tell me that his footwork was truly amazing. They all said the same thing that he looked as though he was dancing out there in the ring. They told me how graceful he was while hitting his opponents at will.
That was all I heard about my dad from his friends that his footwork was so amazing to watch. The first thing he taught me was his amazing footwork but then I didn’t care for it nor did I think it was all that amazing. It’s amazing to think what I knew then as compared to what I know now.
You have an opponent coming at you ,say he is throwing a right punch or jab at your face. First you make sure you are just outside his reach so he has to take a step in to get close enough to hit you. That’s you controlling the distance.
Next you take a step on a 45 degree angle with your left foot just as he is beginning to
step and punch. You are now using timing to move the target (you) from his punches
At the same time you are doing this , by stepping on that 45 degree angle , you are
now in position to hit him as his punch goes by you . There are two 45 degree angles
on a triangle, you are just stepping in the direction of one of them.
When we are under attack, we go into shock. Our minds fly south to Florida for the winter while our bodies remain in the north, in NH, very cold and frozen. So you really must have your body learn how to reflex your feet into action without using your brain to first think. “Gee- what should I do now?” Too late! You just got whacked.
If you have to think about moving you won’t be able to move in time. Practicing footwork over and over again can be extremely boring but we must learn to bear with it because you really learn how to develop your reflexes from our footwork. After a while your body will just do the movement without you even knowing you are doing it. It will become ingrained into your being so that while your body is defending itself, your mind can focus more on the strategy part of the fight. This is a far better way to handle the fight.