I Upgraded a New Account to Town Hall 15 in One Video!

Just how much does it cost to Gem from Town Hall 1 to Town Hall 15 in Clash of Clans? Judo Sloth Gaming strikes limit TH Level in this one video clip. After starting a New Account the Spending Spree obtains the village to the New TH15! There was a lot of special offers purchased to accomplish this that we wound up having Millions of Dark Elixir; so can this level 1 base safeguard it? Make sure to subscribe to see that protection and also all of my future video clips. Clash On!
Suggested Videos:
We Got TH15!! Spending Spree on the Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf9O2TqqEjY
The History of Clash of Clans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOjnOCJTdNg
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Base Upgrading Advice: https://bit.ly/UpgradeBase
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#ClashOfClans #GemToMax #TH 1-TH15.
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile pc gaming network concentrated on Clash of Clans. Clash On!