Christian MMA Fight Ends in Painful, Double Hit-to-the-Groin KO

VIDEO: Double-KO to the Nuts in a Christian Fight” – Fight Church Clip
Titled Fight Church, the documentary showcases fighters of faith kneeing, punching and strangulating one another in the name of the Lord. This is not pacifist, Alt-rock-for-Jesus Christianity—it is eye for an eye fighting—or judging by footage a recent double knockout, knee for a knee.Gawker’s Hamilton Nolan brings us a preview of Fight Church wherein two male fighters simultaneously punch and knee each other in the mana basket during a muay thai fight.
The freak incident stops the fight cold and sends both men to the mat, clutching at their now-powderized loins.
How is a simultaneous, double-pants-pounding knockout possible?
In the fighters’ eyes, it’s all in the name of spreading the Good Word.
“The whole reason we’re having the fights [at the church] is so we can bring people in and tell them about God,” one fighter says. “The hope is that through the fight I can create a relationship with the person I’m fighting and extend Christ to him.”
In any case, Fight Church (which should always be read in ALL CAPS) will be released Tuesday. If you’re into gritty MMA, the Good Book and/or insanely improbable knockouts, you might have found yourself a winner