Wushu Watch: The Dumbest Ideas in Martial Arts

Reasons why you need to Learn martial arts to fight harassment
A taekwondo trainee said that it was an intellectual and physical sport, and the best self-defense for girls. “Now I have learned how to defend myself, I am no longer afraid at all. I enjoyed it, and I think that every girl should join a self-defense course.”Another trainee said: “I encourage all girls to practice this sport to defend themselves from abuse and harassment in workplaces or markets,” adding that some girls, who suffer from abuse, were unable to protect themselves nor report the problem for fear of social stigma, and they silently suffer from what they experience.
In what I hope will become a recurring feature, because god knows there’s enough material, today we’ll be examining some of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen in my time in martial arts.
Barbaric Bloody Master of None
To kick things off with a current idea, last week a photo made the rounds on Facebook that made me cringe.
As someone who loves researching and practicing the techniques and methods of traditional martial arts, I have to say that the traditional martial arts (TMA) community is a weird one to be active in. Seemingly everyone is out to tell everyone else what they’re doing wrong. Be it neglecting to cultivate their qi, failing to use a technique effectively because they don’t believe in it, or not learning it from the one true source. Fruity arguments about lineage and who is the real student of whom abound.
A taekwondo trainee said that it was an intellectual and physical sport, and the best self-defense for girls. “Now I have learned how to defend myself, I am no longer afraid at all. I enjoyed it, and I think that every girl should join a self-defense course.”Another trainee said: “I encourage all girls to practice this sport to defend themselves from abuse and harassment in workplaces or markets,” adding that some girls, who suffer from abuse, were unable to protect themselves nor report the problem for fear of social stigma, and they silently suffer from what they experience.