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MMA Fighter Reacts To Aikijutsu vs Karate Sparring

Martial Arts Dojo Waku – the channel of the original video clip: https://www.youtube.com/c/KarateDojowaKu/

Guillaume Erard an Aikijtusu and Aikido black belt had a competing with Yusuke Nagano a Shotokan Karate black belt. In order to much better understand their sparring, I asked professional MMA competitor Oliver Enkamp to react to the video clip.

Have a look at my Aikido vs Judo competing below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InqR17oQ8t4

Enjoy the complete response right here: https://youtu.be/56RIkgIr3sw

View the initial Aiki Jujutsu vs Karate competing right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSTRgaaGQBE


Invite to the Martial Arts Journey YouTube channel!

My name is Rokas. I’m a Lithuanian man who educated Aikido for 14 years, 7 of them running a professional Aikido Dojo up until eventually I realized that Aikido does not meet what it promises.

Lead by this understanding I chose to make a daring step to shut my Aikido Dojo and also relocate to Portland, Oregon for six months to start educating MMA at the popular Straight Blast Gym Headquarters under head coach Matt Thornton.

After six months extensive training I had my initial amateur MMA fight after which I moved back to Lithuania. During every one of this moment I am documenting my experience via my YouTube network called “Martial Arts Journey”.

Currently I am gradually establishing plans to proceed training MMA under quality guidance as well as obtaining all set for my next MMA battle as I further document as well as share my trip as well as discoveries.


You can make a donation to my PayPal at info@rokasleo.com if you want to sustain my trip.

Sign up for see when the next videos will certainly appear:.
► http://bit.ly/1KPZpv0.

Examine the video “Aikido vs MMA” which started this entire Martial Arts Journey:.
► https://youtu.be/0KUXTC8g_pk.

If you intend to sustain me and this channel often inspect my Patreon page:.
► https://www.patreon.com/rokasleo.

#aikido #karate #aikijutsu.