Extreme Troll Bases vs New Jungle Queen ft. @Beaker’s Lab

Judo Sloth Gaming as well as Beakers Lab assault Troll Bases to display the New Jungle Archer Queen in Clash of Clans. Each Challenge finished will increase the quantity of cash we donate to charity in honour of Lulu. I wish you enjoy the regular monthly obstacle video clips for the New Hero Skins.
Recommended Videos:
Beakers Video:
Severe Bases for Warden Skin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdmybD5uaPg
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #ClashOfClansAttacks
Video clip Chapters:
0:00 Challenge Introduction and Hero Skin
3:16 Judo Sloth Attack
6:31 Beakers Lab Attack
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