What Updates are Next for Super Troops?

Super Troops were contributed to Clash of Clans 1 year ago yet what can we Updates could we expect in 2021? Judo Sloth Gaming talks about every one of the info we understand from the development team concerning what we know for future Super Troop Updates. Some area favourites are also consisted of; plainly the Super Hog Rider was the fan selection! Clash On.
Suggested Video:
2021 Update Information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e79mqg2S_B4
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #SuperTroops
Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:51 Super Troops ‘Updates’.
2:31 ‘Secret’ Updates for Super Troops.
4:46 Super Spells.
5:52 Super Defenses.
8:44 Super Troops included ‘Frequently’.
9:50 Multiple Super Troop Versions.
10:41 Boost more than 2 Super Troops?
11:38 Which Super Troop will be Next?
12:15 Super Hog Rider?
14:11 Community Favourites for Super Troops.
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile pc gaming channel concentrated on Clash of Clans. Clash On!