Putin shows off black belt judo skills

A FEMALE knocked down Russian head of state Vladimir Putin in a judo sparring session, forcing him to “get real”.
After the 2016 Olympic bronze medal victor Natalia Kuzyutina, 29, took on the strongman, he stood up as well as kissed her on the head.
Yet until now pictures of the moment which left him on the stretching mat from last night’s battle practice in Sochi have not been released, motivating the Ukrainian media to declare a cover-up by Russian “publicity”.
Ukrainian magazine Obozrevatel asserted: “Russian publicity did not show the unpleasant moment for Putin.”
At the same session – which began at 9pm following a day of strained talks with the leaders or Turkey as well as Iran finishing in a state banquet – Putin harmed a finger on his right-hand man and also needed emergency treatment, video programs …
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Firing a weapon, winter sports, martial arts … regularly Putin imitated he wished to be James Bond:
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