I Started a New Account in Clash of Clans

Beginning Over with a New Account and Beginner Tips for Clash of Clans! There have been various updates since I played the beginning of the game as well as a lot has changes so I assumed it would be enjoyable to show the beginning of the video game with you in a video. I made sure to share a great deal of suggestions I wish I recognized when I was a novice simply incase any type of brand-new players are enjoying.
Recommended Videos:
Tips for every single Town Hall Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG043WqNK8o
Speedrun for All 75 Goblin Maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYjnVQULvTs
Galadon Gaming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClashofClansStrats
Sign up with ‘The Dojo’ to gain Exclusive Perks by coming to be a Member of the Judo Sloth Gaming YT Channel: https://bit.ly/DojoMember
Thank you for using Code ‘Judo’ in Clash of Clans to sustain me: https://bit.ly/CodeJudo
My Clash of Clans Playlists
Clash Explained: https://bit.ly/ClashExplained
Base Upgrading Advice: https://bit.ly/UpgradeBase
Tip for Everything Series: https://bit.ly/TipsForEverything
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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile pc gaming channel concentrated on Clash of Clans. Clash On!