I Spent $… to Max My Defenses in Clash of Clans!

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Gem to Maxed Defense in Clash of Clans! Judo Sloth Gaming begins on a Spending Spree in preparation for a Challenge video clip with World Champions ATN Attax (I put YOUR bases to the test, video clip coming quickly). I was interested just how much it would cost us to update all buildings as well as I was sure to provide upgrade ideas along the road however we had to start purchasing a great deal of gems in order to end up the job. Discover the overall dollar quantity as the grand overall at the end. I recognize you have enjoyed my spending spree video clips previously so when the chance existed, particularly with the approaching obstacle I believed you want to comply with along. Clash On!
Suggested Video:
Speedrun for All 75 Goblin Maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYjnVQULvTs
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Clash Explained: https://bit.ly/ClashExplained
Base Upgrading Advice: https://bit.ly/UpgradeBase
Idea for Everything Series: https://bit.ly/TipsForEverything
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #GemToMax
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile pc gaming network focused on Clash of Clans. Clash On!