5 Biggest Mistakes All Noobs Make in Clash of Clans

The Biggest Mistakes in Clash of Clans! Judo Sloth Gaming discusses Noob Mistakes and also How to Fix them. This video clip is designed to have a good time whilst assisting improve your skill established in Clash of Clans. We were all beginners at one phase as well as all of these are common blunders. I have actually personally made every one of the errors in this video clip but I intended to enlighten players in an enjoyable means. I really hope by highlighting these errors it helps to improve your video game knowledge and your success price in CoC, whether it be assaulting, safeguarding or general gameplay. Delight in!
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Ideal Bases for each TH Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEpVa6iloo4
Tips for each TH Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG043WqNK8o
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Clash Explained: https://bit.ly/ClashExplained
Base Upgrading Advice: https://bit.ly/UpgradeBase
Pointer for Everything Series: https://bit.ly/TipsForEverything
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TH9 Strategy: https://bit.ly/TH9-Judo
TH10 Strategy: https://bit.ly/TH10-Judo
TH11 Strategy: https://bit.ly/TH11-Judo
TH12 Strategy: https://bit.ly/TH12-Judo
TH13 Strategy: https://bit.ly/TH13-Judo
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #ClashOfClansMistakes
Video Chapters:
0:00 Noob Mistakes Intro
0:40 Funnel Troops
2:38 Base Tips
5:05 Building Upgrade Advice
7:25 Spell Placement Tips
9:32 Finish Attacks Effectively
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile pc gaming network concentrated on Clash of Clans. Clash On!