Judo Endurance Tips Check Out This Breakthrough Technology Find out More

Epic advanced Judo techniques!

VIDEO: Here’s something you don’t want to miss! Advanced Judo throws demonstrated! Watch video below…


His fellow students where much bigger than Jogoro and simply overpowered him. Determined to be able to defend himself, he invented his own type of martial arts, one which uses an opponent’s size and strength against them

Sometimes in judo when there is a attempt and fails to throw we take that advantage and work on our waza or ground and here is how it looks. My opponent just failed in a attempt to throw, I go to the back, always my hooks in with my legs in and control his neck, bring up the arm, this leg goes right in here, and then I bring him all the way back. Always never going back myself and then seize the arm, control his chest, face, and I go all the way back. Notice how I have my arms here, my legs here that are holding his arms tightly so he doesn’t squeeze out and then when I go back thumb up, all I have to do is put a little bit of pressure and in no time we can break.

How to get out of an arm grab

Grab the wrist that your opponent wraps around your head before he can secure the grasp. Slip your hands between your head and his arm to relieve pressure. If possible, pull the opponent’s arm toward the back of his body to break the hold and step back from the attack.

Pull your arm out of the headlock with a short, quick motion if your opponent succeeds in trapping an arm along with your head.

Drop your hips toward the mat to lower your center of gravity as soon as your opponent locks in the headlock. With a lower center of gravity, it is more difficulty for your opponent to torque your body over and execute the throw.

Sag to your knees, positioning your body close to parallel with the ground.

Extend your arms and push on your opponent’s lower body to shove them away and minimize the pressure on your neck. Pushing the opponent also helps you defend against them rotating and taking your back.

Grab your opponent’s near leg and lift it off the ground for extra leverage and to throw your opponent off balance. You may even be able to use the element of surprise to score a trip takedown if your opponent isn’t ready for this counter.

Tuck your chin to your body and pull back with your neck and shoulder muscles to extricate your head from the opponent’s headlock and escape the move.

How to shoulder flip

Face your attacker, squaring up your chest and hips with his.

Use your left hand to grab the top of his left arm around the elbow joint. Keep his left arm raised out in front of him.

Shoot your right hip. Step your right foot toward his left foot and dart your right arm underneath his raised left arm, turning your back to his chest. Bend your right arm to grab the back of his left shoulder with your entire palm.

Step backwards with your left foot, turning away from him completely by putting your butt into his groin and pivoting on your right foot.

Bend at your knees to absorb his body weight, stick your butt back into his body and violently lean your chest forward, pulling down with your arms. Your hips will act as a fulcrum, propelling his body up and over your back and shoulders.

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_12279286_out-head-arm-throw.html


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